Ultimate user-friendliness

discover human dimming

Have a nice drink with friends or a long dinner with the family in your beautiful garden. in-lite has the perfect outdoor lighting that you can flexibly adjust to the atmosphere that suits your evening. Outdoor lights that are equipped with the innovative Human Dimming technology. Easily adjust the brightness with one simple hand movement. This way, you control the light intensity and create a special ambience with such a luminaire. With Human Dimming from in-lite, you can enjoy unlimited wonderful evenings outdoors.

disc pendant

DISC PENDANT is an atmospheric pendant lamp and is part of the DISC concept. Looking for a beautiful pendant lamp in your dining area, the DISC pendant lends itself perfectly to this. Dim this pendant lamp with human dimming and create the perfect atmosphere in your lounge area. 

sway table

sway table

SWAY TABLE is a unique, wireless and rechargeable table lamp that combines the softness of nature with the functionality of technology. With the flexible SWAY TABLE moving gently with the rhythm of the wind, you enjoy beautiful natural light at any time. And thanks to Human Dimming, you also create the perfect atmosphere to suit your setting with a single hand movement. Wherever you are. Outdoors or indoors.

Discover the possibilities of Human Dimming

human dimming 1
human dimming 2
human dimming 3
human dimming 4

sway pendant 100 - 230V

Looking for a contemporary pendant lamp for above the dining table or in your lounge area? SWAY PENDANT provides the atmosphere you are looking for. Hang several pendant lamps at different heights for a playful effect. The SWAY PENDANT fits within the SWAY concept and unites natural shapes with functional techniques.

  • Human Dimming; with 1 lamp, up to 3 lamps simultaneous dimming
  • A diffuse light image all around the fixture
  • Improved, easy connection with mini-connectors in BASE

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