What are the advantages of using motion-sensor garden lights?

What are the advantages of using motion-sensor garden lights?

Spending time in your garden shouldn’t be restricted to daylight hours, especially during winter when these grow shorter and shorter. With the right lighting, your garden can be illuminated throughout the evening, making it a cosy place to relax after a long day. There are plenty of options for lighting your home's exterior, and motion detector lights are a popular choice for this. We’ll explore the benefits of investing in a motion sensor garden light, and how to maximise these throughout your outdoor area.

1. Energy efficient

When installed in your garden, a motion sensor light will only turn on when necessary. You’ll activate the light by walking past it in your driveway or terrace, and it’ll switch on immediately. You can even specify how long you’d like the light to stay on, so that a quick stroll to water your flowers won’t result in hours of wasted energy. This will greatly reduce your energy costs, and help to make your garden more environmentally friendly.

2. Comfort and safety

Having a motion sensor garden light ensures that you’ll never have to go out of your way to switch on the lights. You won’t be fumbling in the dark for a switch, risking injury as you go, as the lights will switch on in your presence. You’ll never struggle to find the keyhole when you return home after a long day. With garden motion sensor lights, you can ensure that comfort and safety are a priority in your outdoor space. You can easily program and control your motion-activated lights through an app or your smart home system, whenever and wherever you want. in your driveway

3. Protecting your home

Having a motion sensor garden light, like SMART MOVE, will ensure that any movement in the vicinity will activate your lamps. This can help to protect your home from burglars. If uninvited visitors come to scout the area or try to break in, they’ll be suddenly illuminated and leave immediately. This can give you a lot of peace of mind, especially when you’re away for an extended period.

Design your outdoor lighting plan with motion sensors

Before you jump in and start buying garden motion sensor lights, we recommend creating a lighting design. Aside from making it easier to choose the right lights for your garden, this will also help you divide your outdoor area into zones. You can control these zones using separate transformers from the in-lite system, and then illuminate these zones at your will. This can include motion sensor lights, of course.

For example, you could connect lights by the entrance of your home, in your driveway and the facade of your home to a central external motion detector. All of these lights would simultaneously turn on as soon as the detector is activated by movement within the vicinity. This would allow you to leave your home, or return home, with ease.

Alternatively, you could put accent lighting on trees, among flower beds, along a fence, and around a pond. By connecting these all to one motion sensor, you can have your atmospheric ambience turn on whenever you’re in the garden.

With the right motion sensors, your garden lighting  plan can be effortlessly employed. You’ll no longer have to turn on a switch or risk forgetting to turn it off. Upgrade your garden lighting to the next level with motion-activated lights.

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